Somberg Announces Campaign for Congress

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After much thought, consideration, prayers, and many discussions with family and friends, I am running for United States Congress on this November’s ballot. I am running in Michigan’s 11th Congressional district, which makes up much of Oakland County. I’m an entrepreneur who is also a practicing attorney. I am also actively involved in our community and have been for years.
I have worked hard my entire life for everything I have, putting myself through college and law school. During college I bought my first rental property which I have now grown into a portfolio and become a successful entrepreneur with other ventures. As an attorney I work hard to do what’s right. I often feel like I’m not defending criminals, but defending those who are innocent and wrongfully accused of things due to corruption and challenges from our government.
I’m running as a Republican. I began my political career volunteering for Dr. and Congressman Ron Paul when he ran for President in 2012. He was and is still my hero. I want to be a lot like him, and his son, fighting alongside the other champions of Liberty inside our government. This is not about red or blue. I hope to appeal to all people who Believe in the Constitution, who want free speech, free markets, who want to be able to defend themselves, and raise their family in a manner they see fit.
I’m running for Congress because I feel a sense of duty to my Country. Running for this office is going to come at tremendous sacrifice. My law firm has become very successful and is only growing. I have built a life where I am able to travel anywhere and anytime. I have traveled the world and made friends of many cultures and all economic backgrounds through my love of music and adventure. But our country is more important.
As a Member of Congress, I will no longer be able to practice law like I do now. I will have to shelve my active involvement in many entrepreneurial projects. But I am excited about a bigger mission. The mission of helping to right the ship of our Country, to do what’s right, and to fight against the crazy views of those who want to destroy what it means to be a free American.
I am not a politician. I am a regular guy who is living an extraordinary life. If our Country was in good shape, I would happily continue living my life as-is. However, I am a man who can’t stand what’s happening to our hard-working families. I can’t stand the challenges government creates for our future generations. I can’t stand seeing our country lacking leadership on the world stage. And I can’t sit by and let it happen without raising my hand and offering real service. I believe in the Golden Rule – treating other people how you want to be treated. I can promise you I will always do my best, and that my deeds will follow my word.
Right now I am in the process of gathering 1,000 signatures so I can be formally placed on the ballot. It is going very well but I always need help and volunteers and will throughout the campaign! Please send me a private message if you are interest in helping or donating to the campaign. There is much more in the works, and I look forward to this amazing chapter and winning this race for America and our citizens!